La Bestia in Calore

La Bestia in Calore also known as SS Hell Camp, SS Experiment Part 2, The Beast in Heat and Horrifying Experiments of the S.S. Last Days is an Italian exploitation film released in 1977. Directed by Luigi Batzella and written by Batzella and Lorenzo Artale, it gained notoriety when it was banned in the UK as a video nasty. This is one of many socalled video nasties about fictionalized World War II Nazi POW camp atrocities. The film is currently banned in Australia due to offensive depictions of sexual violence and extreme impact violence throughout. The film is also currently banned in the UK as well.

The film duplicates the formula of the surprise hit Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS 1974 and its sequels, which popularized the Nazi exploitation subgenre particularly in Italian cinema. Macha Magalls sexy yet cruel SS dominatrix is clearly patterned after the titular Ilsa character played by Dyanne Thorne in all three Ilsa movies, though Magall is less statuesque. Salvatore Baccaro, who plays the Beast, had previously played a similar though much briefer role as a bestial prison inmate in Salon Kitty 1976.The film is considered a Bmovie due to the poor sound quality, formulaic plot, and lowgrade special effects amongst other things. The only set is a laboratory with a cage in the middle, with some cheap costumes, poor lighting, and inept editing. The film contains reused war footage from the 1969 yugoslav movie Most much of it obviously shot on different film stock and scenes from Quando suona la campana, another film by the same director, with the lab scenes occupying aroundminutes of the final film. Several actors from Quando suona la campana were rehired to provide a link with the new footage. ........

Source: Wikipedia